Art League Houston: South African beading project

This is an unusual post in that it is not about an opportunity to procure original art. This is something I think you’ll enjoy knowing about before most people.

Art League Houston (ALH) brought Houston the Funnel Tunnel which is a temporary installation piece in which the public was invited to participate in various stages of its creation. ALH is now working with South Africa’s Department of Art and Culture to bring another unique project in which the public is invited to participate. You can go to Project Row Houses (Holman & Live Oak)  Mon, Wed, Fri, 9:00am – 5:00pm and Tue, Thurs, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm.

The end goal, titled 360 Degrees Vanishing, is four large panels of wire and plastic beads hanging on the outside of ALH’s building (see the second photo). The design is finished and the panels are now being made. Project Row Houses is hosting this effort. There are various times you can go there and be trained on how to help with the beading.

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(All photos by Matt Adams.)

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