Archway Gallery: John Slaby – Death & Desire

Archway Gallery features John Slaby in the front gallery space. I had been looking forward to this exhibit for months. For years, I’ve seen only a couple/few of Slaby’s pieces at a time and the thought of seeing this many was exciting. The bad thing, therefore, is that I went into this exhibit with high expectations. The good thing, however, is that my exceptions were met! I’m very happy about this, of course.

John Slaby is a visual story teller. Being attracted to this type of art, I am further satisfied with the skill demonstrated on these canvases. Using post-renaissance techniques such as sfumato and chiaroscuro, Slaby reflects modern issues in ancient ways. His razor-precise technique is great to see in person; it’s the kind of work you lean into, get real close, and appreciate the efforts of the artist. As much as I’d like to discuss the merits of each individual piece and what I see in them, I should be more polite and let you take your own time and use your own mind to interpret these works.

If you’d like to read the artist statement, click here (6Mb PDF).

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(All photos provided by the artist.)

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