Avis Frank Gallery: Susan Budge – Secrets Conceived/Visions Revealed

Earthenware objects are the oldest surviving works by humans that we know of. We have all grown up with ceramic plates and coffee mugs in mom and dad’s kitchen. As the oldest art form, it is a challenge for a contemporary artist to bring something new to the medium. In looking at her work, it seems that Susan Budge is well aware of this issue but it doesn’t stop her. I picture her in her studio thinking, “I like totems. I want to make one. Oh, and a single eyeball on it might be interesting!” And also maybe something like, “Balls look better on walls than floors.” Without the benefit of an actual studio visit, I’m left with these whimsical thoughts to correlate to the whimsical work I see in this exhibit. The work is definitely narrative in content, which is always a good sign. Also, Budge seems happy to take us to her ‘fun place’ without abandon and I’m happy to go there with her.

This exhibit is at Avis Frank Gallery (1606 White Oak, Houston, TX 77009) through October 4.

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